Monday, April 23, 2012


organized by Glenmarie Temasya Suria RA
Time: 1:45pm
Date: 22/4/2012

A word of thanks to Rohaizal and Goh for calling for this meeting.

This meeting was called to order due to recent developments in the progress of the fencing. On the agenda were 2 key items:

1. The location of the perimeter fencing, especially the side adjacent to the new shoplots in front of BP Labs.
2. The location of the guard house in lieu of the fencing

Item 1 - Perimeter fencing.

I&P had started to dig holes into the ground to erect the fencing in line with the side walls of the corner units. This effectively "converted" the walls of the corner units into part of the perimeter fencing. Although we cannot speculate the reason for this, it has the following impact on our community:

a. Terminates the road at the end of the street for those using Jalan Jurubina, Jalan Askar and possibly Jalan Polis - depending on the location of the goardhouse/primary entrance. Residents will not have the flexibility of driving around the bend to access other roads and will need to do a 3-point turn when exiting.
b. This will hamper providers of public services like the garbage truck etc. and could could adversely affect the quality of service.
c. Potential for public nuisance - i.e. parking, noise etc. once the new shoplots are completed. The new shoplots are equipped with their own lanes and the road concern serves our community and should remain this way for convenience, peace and our general safety.
d. Although I&P has provided what appears to be anti-climb fencing, this does not extend to the corner unit walls which are easily scalable.

One party argued that the road concerned is a public road, but it was pointed out that all roads would come under the purview of MBSA anyway and if we were to set-up the fencing, it should be for the best interest of residents in our neighborhood who are the primary users of this road.

The RA also proposed planning for the fencing on the side facing the community hall to be extended into the walkway for similar reasons. It was added that although the playground is a public facility, it was necessary to prevent children from wandering onto the road. Outside users can access the playground via the guardhouse.

After clarification and exchange of views, it was decided by unanimous show of hands to revert to the original plan of having the fence between Temasya Suria and the shops beyond the side road, and on the opposing side facing the community hall to be erected on the sidewalk instead. This will be communicated to the developer as the expressed wish of the community.

Item 2 - Location of the Guardhouse

The RA proposed keeping the guardhouse in the current location as it would serve as added security for the families using the playground. This matter is also moot since item 1 clearly states the position of the perimeter fencing.

The RA will communicate the views of the community to MBSA and the developer. A small working committee will be set-up to establish the cost of setting up the fencing at the 2 sides mentioned above for discussion at the next meeting.

The RA will call for a meeting within 2 weeks or earlier if they have enough information to move forward.

Note from the RA: Residents are encouraged to help raise awareness of this important project and to attend the next meeting in full force. Our effectiveness is only possible in numbers.